Editor's page

I express my thanks to:

  • Igor Vsevolodovich Mozheyko (Kir Bulychev);

All those who took part (and are still doing so), in creating his page:

  • Dmitriy Vatolin (Moscow),
  • Ekaterina Maltseva (Moscow),
  • Nadezhda Markalova (Perm),
  • Vladimir Nikitin (Vinnitsa),
  • Kirill Ratnikov (Chelyabinsk),
  • Boris Shvidler (Israel),
  • John H. Costello (USA);

everybody without whose help many materials would just not exist on this page:

  • Sergey Nikolaevich Yeliseev (Zhukovsky, Moscow obl.) — posthumously,
  • Tadeusz Litwinski (Warsaw, Poland) — posthumously,
  • Igor Georgievitch Khalymbadja (Ekaterinburg) — posthumously;
  • Aleksey Lyakhov (Kiev),
  • Vyacheslav Yashin (Moscow),
  • Andrey Popov (Krasnodar),
  • Yuri Fleishman (Saint-Petersburg),
  • Dmitriy Kobzev (Chelyabinsk),
  • Yuri Zubakin (Chelyabinsk),
  • Vyacheslav Vasilyev (Chelyabinsk),
  • Andrey Baturin (Kopeysk, Chelyabinsk obl.),
  • Sergey Ivanovich Kazantsev (Ekaterinburg),
  • Evgenia Ivanovna Sterligova (Ekaterinburg),
  • Oleg Bugalenko (Odessa),
  • Samuil Zinovievich Kontorovich (Saint-Petersburg),
  • Kaarel Jogi, (Tartu, Estonia),
  • Dirk Berger, (Borna, Germany),
  • Ivo Gloss, (Zechdenik, Germany),
  • Michael Plogmann, (Shpenge, Germany),
  • Achim Havemann, (Hitzaker, Germany),
  • Zdenek Drizal, (Prague, Czechia),
  • Piotr Kasprowski, Agata Kasprowska;

and everybody not noted above, who extended a helping hand to me in such difficult, necessary and assiduous work,


Mikhail Manakov,
editor of Kir Bulychev's page.


And now I wish to address all guests of our page, readers, science fiction fans, admirers of Kir Bulychev's works.

Any informational work - a directory, encyclopaedia, or Internet page is good only if it is complete enough. As you see, there are quite a number of gaps on our page. We can fill them only with your help. We are eager to receive your remarks and suggestions and especially additions. Any trustworthy information of yours will occupy a fitting place on our page.

It is especially important to add omitted or absent publications to our stock. For this purpose a list of wanted materials (in Russian) is presented, and on the bibliographic description pages there is a mark "not present in stock". Any form of collaboration is welcome: gratuitous donation, profitable exchange or purchase for a great sum. You can use either electronic or ordinary mail for contact.

Thanks for yout help!

Kir Bulychev -> [Interview] [Photos] [Editor's page] [Guestbook] [Labyrinth KB] [RUSSIAN SITE]


(с) "RuSF", 1998-2007. Main editor Dmitriy Vatolin
(с) Design Dmitriy Vatolin, Mikhail Manakov, 1998
(c) Decorating Ekaterina Maltseva, 1998
(c) Translation into English Denis Lianda, 2002
Editor Mikhail Manakov
Typing, make-up, preparation Mikhail Manakov
Proofreading ?
Last modification of the page: 6.06.2005
Leave your remarks and suggestions at the Guestbook
The texts of works, articles, interviews, bibliographies, pictures and other materials
MAY NOT BE USED without consent of authors and publishers