The chairman of organizing committee:
Boris A. Dolingo - tge executive director of the Regional
Public Fund "Aelita", the member of the Union
of the Writers of Russia, ph. +7 (343)- 377-57-38/377-56-68/350-59-21.
The vice-presidents of organizing committee:
Yuegeny A. Permyakov - the president of the Regional
Public Fund "Aelita", ph. +7-(343)-377-57-38/
The members of organizing committee:
1. Yegeny S. Tulisov - the director of the Municipal
Establishment "The Capital of the Urals",
the candidate of historical sciences, ph. +7-(343)-377-55-30.
2. Yegeny A. Krasikov - the press-secretary of the governor
of Sverdlovsk Region.
3. Elena V. Kyamkina - the deputy director of the Sverdlovsk
Regional library for children and youth, ph. +7-(343)-371-00-39