- «Sadovaya, 7», IR, (Moscow) N 7, 1991
- «Sadovaya, 7», Kolumna (Kishinev), N 9, 1990
- «Shroud [Pelena]», PiF, Sverdlovsk, 1990
- «Gestures [Zhesty]»: («One slight hand motion... [Odno lish legkoye dvizhenie ruki...]») / Foreword by editor. // Komsomolets Donbassa (Donetsk).- 1989.- 26 Dec.- (№ 246)
- «Sadovaya, 7», Uralsky Sledopyt (Sverdlovsk), N 10 1989
- «Urmi», Drug Chitacha, 1988
- «Lookalikes [Dvoyniki]», Leninskoye plemya, 1987
«With no fear and reproach», BAZIAT, Volgograd, 1991 «With no fear and reproach» story (first from the «Two steps towards Dankarten [Dva shaga na Dankarten]» dilogy). |
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