News from the desk
- A new story, «Rock on the road», is going to appear in the third issue of «Science Fiction - 2001»
collection. The story is largely autobiographic and it tells about the musical period of author's life.
- In the «Stellar Labyrinth-collection» series of the AST publishers
a volume with novels, published before in books «Blades» and «Stars above Shandalar»
is going to be published
- Due to a hard economic situation in Lithuania publishing
the chances of publishing a book in this country have fallen greatly. But efforts
are being made to publish four works (about the witcher from the Greater Kiev) in Poland.
- The multimedia CD
«Zasada-92». is going to be republished.
The quality of the record will be significantly improved - the first records are being digitized
(in contrast to the first release, when the third, quite shaddy, record was digitized.
- In the «Stellar Labyrinth-mini» series of the AST publishers
the following Vladimir Vasilyev's books are planned:
- Collection of stories and short stories «Jolly Roger on submerged wings». The book will include these stories: «Surgeons», «Ghost City», «Wake up on Selentina», the title story and short stories: «Forgotten road», «Shroud», «Mountain spirit gorge», «Overagers»
- «Witcher from the Greater Kiev» - collection of novellas about Geralt, which will include the title short story, «Duty, honor and taimas,», «Matter of price», «Motherland of indifference» and other short stories and stories.
- The plans of the AST publishers also include the novel written for a long time - «Preserve [Zapovendik]», fragmentarily familiar to the reader. The story «Wake up on Selentina», stories «Masters of the Sky» and «Warble of the singing owl» are nothing else but episodes from this novel.