- A.Gromov ------- Bibliography ------- Interview -------- Reviews ------ Illustrations ----------- Photographs ----- Books -----

(by 15.03.2002):

  1. Goodbye, America!: [Review on the book: Pupkin V. Transpacific] // Esli (M.). - 2002. - № 2. - p. 240-245.
  2. A Thousand and One Day; Calculator/Pictures by V.Nenov. - M.: AST, 2001. - 383 p. - (Stellar Labyrinth).
  3. Master of the Void/Pictures by V.Nenov. - M.: AST, 2001. - 350 p. - (Stellar Labyrinth).
  4. A step to the left, a step to the right. - M.: AST, 2001. - 397 p. - (Stellar Labyrinth. Issue. 10).
  5. Tortoise wings / Pictures by. O.Yudin. - M.: AST, 2001. - 382 p. - (Stellar Labyrinth).
  6. "The Second", short story. // AST-LTD, collection "Science fiction-2000", 2000.
  7. "Forbidden world", novel. // AST-LTD, "Stellar Labyrinth" series, 2000.
  8. "The cobbler should stick to his last", short story. // Collection "Stalkless cabbage". Publishing house. ARMADA-PRESS, 1999.
  9. "A step to the left, a step to the right", novel. // AST-LTD, "Stellar Labyrinth" series, 1999.
  10. "Don't sleep on the edge!", short story. (Author's title -- "Compliant ones".) // "Esli" magazine, 1999, N7.
  11. "Ideal candidate", short story. // "Tekhnika -- molodezhi" magazine, 1999, N5.
  12. "Water-line", novel. // EKSMO-press, "Steel rat" series, 1999.
  13. "Soft landing", novel. // Collection "Before the light". "Argus" publishers, "Russian university", library of science fiction "Chronos", 1998.
  14. "Water-line", author's collection. // Contents:. "Mean time between failures", "Water-line". EKSMO-press, "Absolute weapon" series, 1998.
  15. "Tekodont", short story. // Literary almanac "Maidan-XXI", 1998., N2.
  16. "True story about a little spaceship", miniature story. // "Esli" magazine, 1998. N9.
  17. "Year of the Lemming", author's collection. // Contents: "Year of the Lemming", "Soft Landing". AST-LTD, "Stellar Labyrinth" series, 1998.
  18. "Lucky star", short story. // "Esli" magazine, 1998., N1.
  19. "Treatise on awards", humoresque. // "Proxima" magazine, N2, 1997.
  20. "Master of the Void", author's collection. // Cont. "Saint Vitus menuit", "Master of the void". EKSMO-press, "Absolute weapon" series, 1997.
  21. "Soft Landing", author's collection. // Cont. "Soft landing", "Mean time between failures", "Same as you", "Tekodont", "The cobbler should stick to his last", "Matter of right". NPP "Parallel", "Crystal ball" series, 1995.
  22. "Soft Landing", novel. // "Fantakrim-MEGA" magazine, 1995., N4.
  23. "The cobbler should stick to his last", short story. // "Fantakrim-MEGA" magazine, 1995., N2.
  24. "Mean time betwee failures", novel. // "Uralsky sledopyt" magazine, 1994., N2-4.
  25. "Same as you", story. // "Fantakrim-MEGA" magazine, 1993. N6.
  26. "Tekodont", Short story. // PIF ("Adventures and science fiction", appendix to "Uralsky sledopyt" magazine), N21, 1991.

©Alexander Gromov, 1998-2000.

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© "Russian Science Fiction" Editor-in-chief Dmitriy Vatolin, 1998-2002
© Composition by Eduard Daniluk, design by Aleksey Andreyev, 1998,1999
© English Pictures by Vladimir Savvateev, 2002
© Make-up Pavel Petrienko, Aleksey Chernyshev 1998-2002
© Translation into English Denis Lianda, 2002
© Alexander Gromov, 1998-2002

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The page was created in February 1998.