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Foreword to series (3k) | |
"The Road to Bujan" (37k) |
The Group of scientists created a Model of the world that describes it through famous myths and fairy tales. With time the Model develops into the huge computer game in which scientists themselves at first become addicted players and then a pawns in their own game. |
"The full recovery" (45k) |
Artificially created virus protects humans from every possible disease. But to the people's horror, the virus-protector begins to treat as a "disease" everything it doesn't like in people. |
"The Stone Age" (183k) |
Finally the Gold Age came. When everyone's needs were satisfied according to their abilities. People no longer needed any skills or abilities - everything was taken care of by sensitive and caring cyber "nannies"... but the "nannies" themselves were possessed by the information "demons". |
"The Story of One Landing Trooper" (72k) |
The Homo sapient becomes a non-thinking entity. The intelligence becomes a property of cybersystems-"shells". Slow degradation of earthlings is used by the evil creation - non-protein life form that strives on dying civilisations. |
"Final Stop: Mercury" (263k) |
The space colonies separated from Earth are fighting with the machines possessed by information "demons". The victory does not come cheap - it transforms space residents into the real monsters. To top all that the unknown parasite threatens their very existence. |
"Superman" (131k) |
The Space Empire frees Earth from the domination of cybersystems. Because of the deterioration of the human thinking abilities the barbarian era begins. It is these barbarians the Empire actually needs to produce anew type of bio-robot - the one that will take over the Universe. |
"The Sword of the Astronaut" (313k) <New> |
After the Earth's liberation from the dominance of the cybersystems the barbarism prevails. The planet Earth becomes a battlefield between a Space Empire and Saturn's rebels, whose psyche and bodies were modified by new and powerful religious cult. |
"Heroic Deed of a Scout" (68k) |
On Earth, cybercivilisation confined human population to cities-reservations. But even there humans are attacked by human-hating robots and cyberanimals. |
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"The Big Breakthrough" (71k) |
After the end of the world, the dormant until now power field in awaken. From that power field various warlocks, clairvoyants and witches draw their power. Their goal is to destroy technically advanced human civilisation. |
"In the Circle of Friends" (67k) |
The human forced into the corner by circumstances, is befriended by new unknown to him creatures. The new "friendship" is marked by the vampire's byte. Before human finally turns into a vampire and gets a taste for it, he battles the bloodthirsty demon within him. |
"The Armed Rebellion of Animals" (137k) <new version> |
Humans underestimated the animal world. Evolution takes control and demonstrates its ability to overtake humans with the help of powerful conquerors from the animal world. |
"The Magic Lamp of General Secretary" (316k) <new version> |
Soviet scientists, on KGB's commission, attempt to modify Soviet people, so they would experience only "constructive emotions" - be happy to work and turn the blind eye to the economic difficulties. The modification process awakens Babylonian Demons... |
"13 injections" (62k) |
An editor attempts to publish a book, but is short of money. To get the money he signs an extremely unfavourable contact. All stressed out, he turns for help to a psychiatrist, which leads him to become a part in a new psychotropic drug trial. During the trial all of his creditors suddenly meet their untimely death. |
"The Killing Plot" (83k) |
In a very small but reach town, that for the longest time was the Soviet army base, a mass psychosis is taking place. People believe that soon, the world will fall a victim to catastrophic space events. The former Soviet Mafia clan attempts to take control over "Sverdlovsk-37" but their attempt fails when they trip over the resistance of "nouveau Russians". |
"Fuhrer of the Underworld or Boots of the Chief Inca" (228k) |
What happened to all the gold of the Third Reich? Did Martin Borman, who was associated with Soviet intelligence, really die? Or maybe he went into hiding taking with him all the loot into the "chronal pocket"? Modern adventure-seekers find a way into the "chronal pocket", which coincidently is an exact copy of the ancient Incas of Peru world. |
"The kingdoms of Cossack Sencov" (57k) |
While trying to escape from the Bolshevik horseman detachment, Cossack Sencov gets into the vortex of time-and-space transformations. In there, he becomes a resident of several parallel universes simultaneously. |
"The Axe of Humanitarian. [I came out of the forest]" (124k) |
Герой создает сценарии компьютерных игры на тему альтернативных миров. Однако фирма, на которую он работает, оказывается террористической сектой, собравшейся претворить некоторые компьютерные игрушки "не для слабонервных" в реальную жизнь. |
"An Egg of the Chingis-khan or Vasya-basilick" (351k) <New> |
On a boundary of a new century a civilisation disintegrates like a rotten pear. In the hands of "soldiers of Jihad" are the super-modern weapons, in their heads - the firm conviction that Allah justifies full subjugation of the Western World. Twenty five thousand demons embodied into twenty-five best warriors are dancing on the bones... |
"Are the Computers Afraid of Infernal Flame" (293k) <New> |
A legend about how the evil cyber mega-virus has ruined seven of the good virtual systems and then has subjected to mean violence all human kind, having cast it into the horrors of war. The mega-virus declared itself a king and ruled over the world under a name of Hypercomputer the First. With the help of St. Web the villain was overthrown into the dust and the light prevailed... |
"The Consciousness of Lieutenant's in the Lotus, or Meditation during the WWIII" (52k) <New> |
In near future the WWIII begins. The war breaks fragile bones of civilisation. Only the inner human dimension can provide a brief refuge to human kind. But the command personnel find the way to use the inner dimension. |
Dog-Knights (92k) <new> |
A bunch of gangsters cracked into the hero's appartment. And not only gangsters were they, but also psychos. However, later the hero comes to a conclusion that under beastly mugs and brutal manners lies an interesting biological phenomenon that can possibly derail the whole life of the mankind. |
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"Indiana Jones vs 3rd Reikh" (480k) |
This novel explores one of the biggest mysteries of this century - mystical essential substance of the fascism. |
The Net (73k) |
Please leave your questions, comments, and suggestions. © Concept by Dmitriy Vatolin © 1998 — 1999 Russian version by Eduard Daniliouk, Vadim Philippov, Aleksey Andreyev © 1999 English translation by Liza Ratiner No part of this publication may be used without the authors' and the publishers' permission. |