List of works, with short annotations and awards

Texts in English


The Boy and the Darkness (fantasy tale)
[Malchik i Tjma]

A boy, accompanied by a magical Sun Kitten, gets into a strange world of eternal darkness, where the people has long ago sold their daylight to the Traders (who trade in anything and everything), and now they have to fight the winged creatures of the Darkness.
File with book in HTML format, in English [text selection]
File with book in HTML format, in Russian
File with book in text format, in Russian (140 Kb)


Labyrinth of Reflections (cyber-fantasy)
[Labirint otrazhenij]

This book immediately became a cult book for the Russian web dwellers. In this book we encounter the world of the nearest future, where the Internet technologies, coupled with a "deep-program", produced the internationally shared virtual world - the Deeptown. Of its population , the most mysterious are the Divers, who can at will resist the deep-program and see not only the display picture as it is (where everyone sees an illusion of a very real world) but also programs with all their "holes" as images, and do things which the best hackers could never dream of.
File with book in text format, in English (269 Kb) Text was removed due to publisher limitation.
File with book in text format, in Russian (269 Kb)

Where the Mean Enemy lurks
(Behind the Forest, Where the Mean Enemy lurks)
[Za lesom, gde Podlyj Vrag]
File with book in HTML format, in English
File with book in text format, in Russian (5 Kb)

From Fate
[Ot sudjby]
File with book in HTML format, in English

The Scent of Freedom
[Zapakh svobody]
File with book in text format, in Russian (26 Kb)


Вероятные признаки беременности - . High temperature grease

Please write your questions, comments and suggestions.
(с) 1996-1999 Make-up, design, illustrations, other aid - collective work.
(с) Russian Science Fiction and Fantasy. Editor-in-Chief: Dmitriy Vatolin
(с) English translation by Pavel Viaznikov, John Costello, Max Hrabrov
Routine maintenance of the homepage - Konstantin Grishin.
Drawings, articles, interviews and other contents hereof CANNOT BE USED WITHOUT PRIOR CONSENT of the authors and/or publishers.