Boris Zavgorodny Lyubov Lukin. Yevgeny Lukin(5 Kb) (Biographies) |
By the moment, the following articles are only available in Russian |
Yevgeny Kharitonov Yevgeny Lukin: In an Undertone about the Important... (6 Kb) (Brief notes about the works of L. and Ye. Lukin) |
"Vecherny Volgograd", October 10 1996 So How is There, Beyond the Acheron? (6 Kb) Volgograd writer Yevgeny Lukin is awarded a small «Golden Ostap» |
"Parnas", a newspaper of "Parnas" literature club of Writer's Association of Volgograd area, June 20 1996 «Your Name Rings Like the First Song» (8 Kb) |
"Parnas", a newspaper of "Parnas" literature club of Writer's Association of Volgograd area, June 20 1996 In Memory of Lyubov Lukin (4 Kb) |
"VDV-Volzhsky", November 2 1995 Yevgeny Lukin: «Hell Is Also a Camp...» (9 Kb) Exclusive interview |
A youth newspaper of Bashkiria, October 22 1991 SF&F writers Lukins: «To Emerge From a Barrel and to Laugh» (11 Kb) |
"Priyatnoye s Poleznym", a newspaper for business people, October 1991 It's Absolutely Fantastic! (10 Kb) |
"Volgogradskaya Pravda", April 20 1990 |
Yevgeny Lukin, November 24, 1997 A Thing of the Past (25 Kb) |
Russian SF&F => L. and Ye. Lukin => [Biographies] [Bibliography] [Books] [Photos] [Reviews] |
Send us your comments, proposals, opinions. © L. & Ye. Lukin © Russian Science Fiction & Fantasy. Editor-in-Chief Dmitriy Vatolin © 1998—2000 Russian version by Artur Bigler, Vadim Philippov, Konstantin Grishin © 2001 English translation by Katerina Pugacheva No part of this publication may be used without the authors' and/or the publishers' permission. |